You've already done that before. There's nobody here now. Uh oh. No way! Wouldn't leave the group now. You can't get rid of this object: it's cursed! You must have a "Remove Curse" spell cast on you. Look out! You don't seem to have readied the correct ammunition for this weapon. You won't be able to shoot. You are out of ammunition! Maybe you didn't notice, but you already filled the roster. The monster drained one experience level from the character! Sorry, you can't “Save as…” overwriting the previous file. Why don't you just “Save” instead? Your character already has this spell in his/her spell book. Your character can't learn spells of this kind. Try another class. A spellcaster is limited to one spell per battle round, and can't cast any if he/she was recently hit or has fled the arena. To Identify an object you must keep it in your right hand! This spell can only be cast during a fight. This spell can't be cast during a battle. Sorry, nobody in your group seems to have readied “Identify All“. It's pitch black here! You'd better turn some light on… You are defeated. Monsters rob your dead of all equipment. You return later to the scene to take the body. Most items don't need to be explicitly “used”. Simply drag them to appropriate places (for example, weapon and shield in hand, armor on body…) You can only sell items when you are inside a shop. You don't need to “use” food. The gaming system shall automatically have your character eat each day. Just mind that you don't run out of rations. The monster infected your character! Look in the trascript for details. Uh oh. Before you go anywhere, you must find yourself a character. To cast this spell you need a The weapon rebounds! The spell failed! Sorry, you don't have enough money Sorry, that character couldn't take the item Look out, the character is overloaded Who will buy or take? Select his/her icon, please